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Rise & Repair’s platform is based on guiding principles, policy priorities to support, and policies to oppose.

This alliance is as a shared ecosystem of cooperation amongst organizations and people to advance legislation on this platform as it evolves through the session. Bills will be added to this platform by alliance partners when the time is right. Bills to mobilize against will also be added as they emerge.

We invite you to learn about the ideas and policies on this platform through the amazing work led by the partner organizations in this alliance. Subscribe to Rise & Repair’s eNews for updates, organizing opportunities & calls to action. Get involved however you are able! 

2025 Policy Priorities

(SF 1247 | HF 2134) Wild Rice Act: We must pass legislation to protect natural stands of Wild Rice (Minnesota’s State Grain) known as Manoomin to the Anishinaabe and Psiŋ to the Dakota. 

Learn More | Take Action: Contact Your Legislators!

(SF 1690 | HF 1426) 100% Electronic Waste Collection & Recycling Bill: A bill to enable 100% diversion of electronic waste for recycling, paid for by producers. This legislation prevents toxic eWaste from entering landfills, reclaiming over $2.2 billion worth of materials which can be used for our clean energy transition.

Learn More | Take Action

(SF 733 | HF 1073) Landowner Choice Bill: This bill gives landowners with pipelines on their property the right to have those pipelines removed at the pipeline company's expense when the line stops operating, rather than being abandoned in place.

(SF 194) Return Upper Red Lake & The Red Lake State Forest to the Red Lake Band of Ojibwe: This legislation would return the illegally seized eastern half of Upper Red Lake to the Red Lake Band of Ojibwe, as well as the Red Lake State Forest.

(SF 1741 | HF 2059) Instant Permitting for Rooftop Solar: Adopt online instant permitting tools to make it cheaper and faster to permit and build residential rooftop solar. Expedite the transition to renewable energy!

(SF TBD | HF TBD) Distributed Solar & Virtual Power Plants: This bill would establish a distributed power plant program that would allow Minnesotans with batteries, solar, and other energy resources to unite and sell energy and other services to the electric utility. This saves money for all utility customers by limiting peak electricity demand, makes our grid more reliable, and reduces harmful air and climate pollution.

(SF 1382 | HF 954) “Prove It First” - Hold a Hearing and Pass this Law! Common-sense protection for all of Minnesota's watersheds based off of the Prove It First law passed in Wisconsin for 20 years. Applicants must prove that a similar mine has been in operation for at least 10 years without polluting and has been closed for at least 10 years without polluting.

Learn More | Take Action ~ Contact Your Legislators / Contact Governor Walz / Sign the Petition

(SF 1744 | HF 1197) The Bad Actor Bill: The Bad Actor Bill would prevent Minnesota from issuing nonferrous mining permits to “bad actors,” corporations that have violated certain international laws including corruption, bribery, or natural resources destruction.

Learn More | Take Action ~ Contact Your Legislators

(SF 1383 | HF 955) Taxpayer Protection Act: The Taxpayer Protection Act would require nonferrous mining companies to fully fund any financial assurance package upfront and in cash. This would ensure Minnesota’s taxpayers are not left on the hook for potential multi-billion-dollar clean-up costs from a devastating environmental catastrophe.

Learn More | Take Action

Protect Pipestone Quarry: The Magellan/ONEOK pipeline threatens Pipestone, an American Indian sacred site where soft red stone has been gathered for over 3,000 years to make pipes for prayer, ceremonies, and communication with the Creator. This sacred site must be protected.

Climate Justice Education Bill! This legislation creates a Climate Justice curriculum for educators to implement & requires school districts to implement it.

Keep checking back - legislation will continue to be added here throughout session.

Policies to Oppose

(SF 350) Repeal of the Nuclear Moratorium: Minnesota statutes currently prohibit issuing certificates of need for the construction of new nuclear-powered electric generating plants. This legislation would repeal this statute, lifting the nuclear moratorium and allowing new nuclear energy facilities to be built.

Resources: Nuclear Moratorium Fact Sheet

(SF 1142 | HF 845) Dismantling Net Metering: Ending net metering in Minnesota’s rural communities and small towns would make it harder for households, farms, and small businesses to go solar at a time when we need all the affordable and local clean energy we can get. Currently, utilities must credit these small solar owners for the energy they produce and share with their neighbors at the average retail rate.

(HF 9 | SF 572) Nuclear Moratorium, Carbon Capture / Sequestration, Large-Scale Hydro: This legislation proposes a series of threats to the 100% bill including a repeal of the nuclear moratorium, changes to eligible energy technologies (adding new mega dams), industrial carbon sequestration as state policy on other issues!

Resources: CURE Factsheet - Industrial Carbon Capture/Sequestration

Take Action: Oppose Carbon Sequestration | MNIPL Action Alert | Sierra Club North Star Chapter Alert

(SF 769 | HF 1277) Tax Breaks for Hyper-Scale Data Centers: Proposal to offer tax exemptions for large data centers built in Minnesota by mega corporations such as Google, Amazon & Meta.

Resources: Organizational Letter | Take Action: Big Tech doesn’t need big tax breaks

(HF 7 | SF 1363) Anti-Protest Law / “Critical Infrastructure & Vicarious Liability”: This legislation targets constitutionally protected freedoms of speech meant to increase penalties for anyone who trespasses on “critical infrastructure” and imposes “vicarious liability” on any organization that might be remotely associated with an individual arrested.

Resources: Talking Points / Toolkit

(SF 126 | HF 1285) Declaring Minnesota a “Mining-Friendly State”: This bill would propose the following addition to Minnesota statutes: “It is the policy of the state to provide for the diversification of the state's mineral economy through long-term support of mineral exploration, evaluation, environmental research, development, production, and commercialization.”

Check back soon - active legislation to oppose will be posted here if/when they are introduced during session.

Guiding Principles

1. “We must honor all of our relations.”

Centering Reparations, Indigenous & Tribal Sovereignty

Respecting Indigenous and tribal sovereignty, honoring treaties, engaging in Free Prior & Informed Consent, enacting reparations, and supporting Land Back initiatives are central policymaking needs from our elected officials in Minnesota.

2. “We must lead the way.”

Walking the green path, truth-telling & doing our fair share to heal mother Earth.

Minnesota must meet and/or exceed State and Federal climate goals, acting locally to align with those set on the global stage. We must tell the truth about the realities of the climate crisis and not invest in false solutions

3. “We need a thriving and sustainable future for the next seven generations.”

Transitioning in a way that is just and equitable. 

Minnesota’s law for 100% Carbon-Free Electricity by 2040 is the foundation for our energy transition. Leveraging federal and state funds will speed the transition to renewable energy with local innovation and workers. Now we must ensure the design, implementation and oversight of this transition is just and empowers people, not corporations.  

4. “We Are All Related, We Are All Protected”

Increasing Regulatory Protection of People, Land, Air and Water

Amidst the climate and equity crises, it is imperative that our regulatory institutions protect our Air, Land, Water, and People, not corporate profits. State agencies must respect the rights of Indigenous people and sovereignty of Native nations that share the geography of the State of Minnesota.

5. “Environmental Racism is Unacceptable”

Reversing the Pattern of Environmental Injustice.

Native, Black, POC and economically disadvantaged communities often bear the brunt of industrial environmental pollution. We must reverse this pattern, center the needs of those most impacted, ensure these communities have a decisive voice in planning, and make sure benefits flow first to people who have been denied economic opportunity in our current system.

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